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(Verse 1)

Let’s plant a garden,

With flowers of every hue,

Let the bees buzz by and by,

To feed their honeyed dreams.


Green life, it’s all we need,

Planting seeds that’ll never die,

It’s a journey towards a brighter tomorrow,

<瑞幸咖啡:网传“瑞幸不招聘上海人”的言论完全不属实<瑞幸咖啡:网传“瑞幸不招聘上海人”的言论完全不属实/span>p>Where greenery reigns supreme.

(Verse 2))

Let us cherish our planet’s wealth,

And let it flourish as we do,

We mu瑞幸咖啡:网传“瑞幸不招聘上海人”的言论完全不属实st take responsibility for the fate

Of our Earth and its inhabitants, forever.


Green life is not just about flowers and earth,

But also about awareness and love,

It’s a reminder that our planet is not just ours,

But also the home of countless species,

And so let us cherish our green life,

And make it a legacy for generations to come.

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